We search patents and other literature to find disclosures that refer to the uses and features of your idea, invention, product or service. This will help you determine what is new and novel about it and from there you can make decisions about patent claims, investment or whether you are filling a knowledge gap for an R&D claim.
We conduct advanced patent landscape analysis studies in areas of interest and use visual representations to present the information. Insights can then be drawn to allow you to find opportunities, assess risk and support decision and policy making. These visual representations also make it easier to present the findings to the executives and financiers within your organisation.
We can provide you with litigation support by collecting evidence to challenge the validity of a patent or act as an expert witness to support arguments.
George Mokdsi has been engaged as an expert witness on several patent litigation cases and has experience preparing affidavits and being cross examined.
We work with patent attorneys to carry out patent searches for freedom-to-operate (FTO) inquiries (also called infringement searches). Although we have particular expertise searching Australian patents and designs, we can also search patent records globally and work with patent attorneys in other jurisdictions who can provide legal opinions for the respective jurisdictions.
Having knowledge of your competitors IP is critical for mitigating risk, formulating an IP strategy and monitoring how you are tracking. Learning who your IP competitors are is crucial to avoid being blindsided and puts you in the best negotiating position. It may also bring about opportunities to collaborate and licence your technology.
Accurate and presentable records of your IP portfolio are critical in ensuring you have full visibility over the value of your IP assets. This allows you to better manage and assess value to ensure it is aligned with your IP strategy. We are experts in IP data and can help you maintain accurate IP records for improved access and presentation within your organisation.
We can run frequent updates to a patent search to give you the ongoing intelligence you need. A patent watch is a great way to keep your company, inventors and researchers up-to-date with new patent filings in a given field.
The Patent Searcher
14 Silver Crescent Westleigh, NSW 2120 Australia
Int'l: +61 2 8006 7766 | Local: 02 8006 7766
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